
Avisure farewells Vancouver International Airport

For the past nine years, Avisure has been contracted to Vancouver International Airport (YVR), Canada’s second busiest airport, to safely deliver the airport’s wildlife management program. YVR’s location on Sea Island in the Fraser River Delta make it essential for the airport to lead a comprehensive 24/7 wildlife program as the surrounding marshes, mudflats and agricultural habitats on and around the delta attract millions of shorebirds, waterfowl, and gulls each year.

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Microlight Milly at Ballina

Milly Formby flew into Ballina just before Easter, on her epic ‘migration’ around Australia. Avisure, having strong connections to the area through ongoing work with Ballina Byron Gateway Airport (BBGA), was proud to sponsor the Ballina leg of her journey. Jill Brix, Avisure general manager, and Julie Stewart, BBGA manager, caught up with Milly after her arrival.

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Jeff follett - General Manager Avsiure Services

Introducing… Jeff Follett

Jeff Follett has had a different career path to the average wildlife biologist. ‘It’s certainly not been a direct line,’ he says. Born and bred in the US state of Minnesota, he completed a bachelor of science degree there majoring in fisheries and wildlife management. When he graduated, ‘everyone in my course had a hard science degree and wanted to go out and work with wildlife’, but Jeff and his wife took a different path. They joined the Peace Corps, (the American equivalent to Australia’s Volunteers Abroad program) and had a long stretch working overseas on humanitarian programs. They had two years in South America, where Jeff worked with an agricultural organisation, and worked in agroforestry.

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