Having just celebrated NAIDOC Week 2021, sister companies, Avisure and Ecosure, are very proud to announce that our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been finalised and endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. Our journey of reconciliation will enable us to foster partnerships and create sustainable opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In turn our people and our businesses will increase their knowledge, respect, relationships, and involvement in the spiritual and cultural traditions of our First Nations People. We look forward to walking this journey.
As an environmentally focused business group, Avisure and Ecosure acknowledge the sustainable living of First Nations people for more than 65,000 years. We recognise we have much to learn about traditional ecological knowledge and the significance of connection to Country. The Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan is our strategy for enhancing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and encouraging non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’ cultural awareness and education.
We have a team of wildlife biologists who manage human-wildlife conflict: when native Australian animals encounter humans such as flying foxes, Australian white ibis, dingoes, corellas, seagulls and more. We manage and advise on the conservation of threatened species. We relocate animals on large infrastructure projects through fauna spotter catchers and undertake nest-box installation. We manage pest animals such as foxes, pigs, feral cats, deer and rabbits and the impact these animals have on native animals and their habitat.
We have established a RAP working group, with a diverse employee membership. It is the key group responsible for implementing the RAP in Avisure and Ecosure.
We have researched and identified the traditional custodians of the lands where Ecosure and Avisure offices are located, and as part of this, are developing relationships with the Darumbal people of Rockhampton, QLD. Darumbal Elders have undertaken cultural heritage training with 15 of our Rockhampton office staff. Our aim is to ensure staff in each of our offices across Australia receive similar local training on cultural heritage with local traditional custodians. To celebrate our ongoing relationship with the Darumbal people, we engaged a Darumbal artist to undertake the artwork for this RAP. The original artwork now proudly hangs in our office in Rockhampton.