
Your aerodrome and emergency responders are not well-prepared to respond to an incident.

Your aerodrome is not satisfying the regulatory requirement to complete regular exercises and test the efficacy of Airport Emergency Plans


Complete a full field exercise to help your aerodrome and emergency responders practice a response to an incident. As required by civil aviation regulations, these exercises help you and your team better understand the challenges to overcome when faced with a significant incident on your airfield

An Avisure-facilitated exercise includes:

  • Reviewing your Aerodrome Emergency Plan (AEP)
  • Establishing your requirements and exercise objectives.
  • Creating a comprehensive Exercise Plan (including Master Schedule of Events)
  • Engaing stakeholders
  • Controlling the exercise
  • Facilitating the exercise
  • Preparing an Exercise Activity Report – a documented and thorough overview of all aspects, areas and functions of the exercise that will include:
  • Assessing the exercise objectives
  • Reviewing key insights
  • Providing recommendations to improve emergency response
  • Recommending changes to the AEP
  • Ensuring recommendations accurately reflect on-the-ground work and are relevant to operations
  • Providing briefings for Evaluators, Volunteers, Observers
  • Updating your Aerodrome Emergency Plan.


A full-field emergency exercise will evaluate the groups’ abilities to prepare, respond, recover, communicate, and work together. It will further test the preparedness of all responders and cooperating organisations (mutual aid partners) and individuals in their ability to perform all roles necessary for successful emergency management.

Avisure at Work

Groote Eylandt Airport emergency exercise
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